Friday, November 7, 2008

Election Update - Presidential, Senate, Governor, House, Ballot Initiatives

With North Carolina called, all 50 states have been called. Barring any reversals, Barack Obama will win the electoral vote by a count of 364 to 174, and the popular vote with 65.1 million, about 53%, to McCain's 57.2 million, about 46%. Obama set the record for most votes received, and McCain has the third most in history, behind George W. Bush's 59 million in 2004, a record at the time.

The Democrats have been projected to win the Oregon Senate election, giving them 57 in their caucus [55 Democrats and 2 Independents that vote with them]. Minnesota's race is too close to call and will be recounted, the Republican leading his Democratic challenger by 240 votes. In Georgia, the Republican incumbent has 50% of the vote with 99% reporting. To win in Georgia, one must have at least 50% when all the votes are counted or there will be a run-off election in a month between the top two vote getters. In Alaska, the Republican incumbent has a narrow lead over his challenger with 99% of precincts reporting.

In the House, the Democrats have won 254 seats according to CNN, a pickup of 19 seats. The Republicans retained 173 seats, and 8 seats remain undecided.

The Republicans won 4 Governor elections to the Democrats' 7, a net gain of one for the Democrats.

As far as ballot initiatives go, there were many so I will only recap big or controversial issues. Bans on gay marriage were soundly passed in 3 states: Florida, Arizona, and California while Arkansas banned gay couples from adopting. Colorado did not end affirmative action while Nebraska did. Colorado struck down an amendment stating life begins at conception, and California and South Dakota turned down limits on abortion. Michigan passed propositions that allow limited uses of medical marijuana as well as allowing embryonic stem cell research in addition to other stem cell research already under way in Michigan. Washington passed a measure allowing doctor assisted suicide.


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