Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Obama has been projected winner in Iowa and Virginia, while McCain has been projected in Texas, Utah, and Mississippi. Interestingly, Nebraska has been called for McCain, but two of the 5 electoral votes are called for Obama--more on that later. Obama is leading 222-138 in the electoral college.

The popular vote stands at 28.9 million to 27.7 million in Obama's favor.

Nevada, Indiana, Colorado, Virginia, and North Carolina are still too close to call.

The Mississippi Senate race is too close to call and is one of the races that is deemed critical in the Democratic effort to reach 60 seats and be free from a filibuster.

Nebraska and Maine are the only two states that have a system other than the usual winner-take-all system used by the other states. A state's electoral total derives from the state's Congressional delegation--House and Senate combined. Nebraska and Maine award the state's two electoral votes deriving from the Senate to the overall popular vote winner of the state while the other electors, the House's, are awarded to the winner of each Congressional district.

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