Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Democratic Field Narrows; Bill Richardson drops out

The Associated Press is reporting that Governor Bill Richardson has decided to drop out of the Democratic race; more information to come as soon as it becomes available.


Today, the Associated Press (and the New York Times) reported that Bill Richardson, the Governor of New Mexico, is going to announce the termination of his candidacy for the Democratic Presidential nomination. After posting single digit numbers in both the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire primary, Richardson met with his advisers and will be announcing the end of his candidacy on Thursday. While Richardson's dropping out might seem inconsequential, his endorsement might prove very important in the upcoming South Carolina primary for the Democratic Party. It is important to note that Richardson's 5% of the vote would have changed the landscape of the New Hampshire primary; assuming he endorses Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, Richardson's exit from the race might make or break the candidacy of either of those candidates. Needless to say, Richardson dropping out of the campaign will likely cause some serious waves in the race for the Democratic nomination. As soon as Richardson's endorsement becomes public, this post will be updated with analysis on what his endorsement means for the race.

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