Monday, January 21, 2008


Hello bloggers!

First of all, Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I sincerely hope you have at least watched King's "I have a Dream" speech (found easily on Youtube) or given some thought to the ever continuing struggle for equal rights of both a political and spiritual nature for all people in the United States and more importantly around the world.

Second, please enjoy the two posts Chris put up yesterday. The Know Your Candidate he constructed was flawless and extremely informative, so please be sure to comment on it with your thoughts.

Third, three more Know Your Candidate posts will be up and running within the next week or so; John McCain, Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton posts will be available for your viewing pleasure.

Finally, please note that February 5th is "Super Tuesday"; what this means is that 24 states in the Union will be holding their primary elections on this date. For the Democrats, 24 states is equal to 52% of the delegates needed to win their Presidential nomination, and for the Republicans, 42% of the delegates needed will be up for grabs on this day. I highly suggest tuning into either CNN or MSNBC for coverage of Super Tuesday, but you can always count on our blog to have full coverage either way.

Thanks for reading.

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