Sunday, January 6, 2008

What do you think?

Ok guys, here's a post where everyone can hear your voice. It's not hard, I promise!

So here it is; who vs. who will give the Republicans/Democrats the best chance of getting into office? Try to put aside who you personally like and try to think who would be best for the party you argue in favor of.
Here's what I think:

In my opinion I feel that the Republicans best chance would be Huckabee Vs Clinton.

Personally my Republican favorites are Giuliani and Thompson, but I don't think that either could pull a win in the presidential election. Giuliani, in my opinion, is probably the best overall Republican leader (not most experienced, just a good leader); however, I feel that his pro-choice views and his three marriages would lead some of the extreme Christian conservatives to stay home on Election Day. And Thompson, well I think his level headed ways would be just what the country needs right now; however he just doesn't have a strong enough following to even make him an option in the election. Huckabee, on the other hand, has a strong following with the Christian conservatives and would easily get their votes. I also feel that Huckabee has a very likable personality and easily relates many constituents, which may lead some independents who base votes on personality to vote Republican.

The reason I picked Clinton as the best option for the republican's opponent is based on my belief that many Obama supporters would just simply refuse to vote for
her. I completely understand that is 2007 and that things have changed, but I really feel that there are thousands of men and women out there who feel that a woman could not handle the Presidency. I also think Hilary lacks the personality that Obama has and would lose votes that way.

So there it is. You don't have to write out a paragraph or anything, just say what you think!


Anonymous said...

I believe, in general, that a woman has a better chance at being elected than a black man does. There are just too many racists out there.
But, in this case, I think Obama has a better chance at getting the nomination than Clinton because there are SO many people who simply don't like her and/or don't trust her. The Democrats are going to have a difficult time winning the election if Obama or Clinton is nominated simply because so much controversy surrounds them both.
But, being a Republican, if I had to choose one for office, I would undoubtedly choose Obama.

Anonymous said...

I agree, if a democrat has to be in office I would want Obama.

nick board said...

Sorry Marco i think Guiliani is a nutjob and is living off 911 and lacks expeirience. He would be another monkey in office because he was all press. I also feel after the NH primary that Rodhem Clinton has a hightened chance because people want Bill back. Sure he may have screwed up with NAFTA but he is in the top 15 US Presidents. Currently the controversy surrounding Clinton and Obama is free advertising(especially because it will break history).

Anonymous said...

I think the whole "Obama supporters would not vote for Clinton" is wrong. I agree Obama supporters would be mad, but I believe Obama would fully support and encourage his supporters to vote for Hillary and she would do the same if he got the nomination. Regardless, if they get it or not they're representing the democratic party, and even if they disagree on a few issues Obama would want his supporters to turn their support to a fellow democrat instead of not voting.

Personally I like both Hilary and Obama and I don't care who get's the nomination anymore.

Chris said...

I think the GOP's best shot is McCain vs. Clinton since her unfavorable ratings are so high while McCain is quite popular among Independents and can probably rally the GOP base with his war stance.

The Dems' best chance is Obama vs. Romney. Obama is fresh and attracts Independents while Romney is a flip-flop.