Thursday, December 13, 2007


Good evening America, and concerned youth around the globe, my name is Chris, and let me start by saying this is kind of a dream, or maybe more of a passing, "crazy" idea, of mine but MUCH better. A blog where I can inform others and/or comment on the political activities surrounding us every day. What makes this better is the fact that I'll be working with the fine individuals already introduced to you earlier--a potent combination if I do say so myself.

Basically, as Josh and Marco said, this blog is here to give today's young people somewhere to go to get a clear, concise, unbiased source of national and political news written by people like them. This is especially true with the Iowa Caucus less than four weeks away, and the 2008 Elections, perhaps one of the most critical elections in US history, down the road. So naturally, we will do our best to make sure we stay true to our mission.

Basically, I got here through my AP European History and AP Government classes, which, although they were classes, sometimes served as a forum for discussion where I and others were able to express our beliefs and hone our viewpoints. I get my news from the Sunday Free Press(*), 760 AM radio (Mitch Albom and Sean Hannity), Yahoo and other online links, CNN and Fox News, and occasionally World News Tonight on ABC.

I am a conservative on many issues, but I like to hear as many takes on an issue as I can before I pass judgment--as you can see by my listening to both Hannity and Albom. I'm a Catholic but believe that far-right religious evangelicals hold too strong a hold on the Republican Party as George Soros and far-left liberal sites like have a hold on the Democrats. I believe the predominant neoconservative movement in the GOP has gone astray and needs to be thrown out or at the very least rethought. I believe that while we should not have gone into Iraq with Osama bin Laden not yet secured, to leave soon would be foolish. I believe in a policy of swift and precise interventionism a la Reagan (Grenada, Libya), Bush (Gulf War), and Clinton (Kosovo). On moral issues, I believe it is for each state's citizens to decide, not the courts'. And as far as my religious beliefs go, they don't influence my politics. Most of all, I believe the most important issue facing us is the rising debt/deficit, a good chunk of it held by foreign countries.

So, I hope you're able to get as much out of this blog as we're willing to put into it and are able to cast your vote in November (and January-March) with confidence.

God Bless!

(*) Note from the editor: the Detroit Free Press.

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