Thursday, December 20, 2007

Republican Field Narrows: Tancredo Drops Out

Tom Tancredo dropped out of the race for the White House today with only two weeks to go until the Iowa Caucus. He said he was doing so because he failed to gain traction with the primary voters. He was most notable for his stance on illegal immigration, believing a temporary moratorium on all immigration, legal and illegal, was needed while the United States secured its border. In the recent Youtube debates, he said no to a mission to Mars believing that America needs to spend less, not more.

He doesn't call it a complete loss, saying that he is pleased that immigration is a top issue in the Republican party and the nation as a whole. He has already endorsed Mitt Romney.
Personally, it looks like this might be the help Duncan Hunter, who has also focused on illegal immigration this campaign (although he doesn't support a moratorium), needs to push past Iowa and keep some steam going in his run. Although the 3% could help Romney as well since he has been struggling recently.

More Info:

Any Thoughts? A relatively inconsequential candidate, but 3% can be the start of a lot this late in the race.

1 comment:

Josh said...

I think that Romney is going to benefit most from Tancredo's exit from the race. Obviously most of these voters will be swayed by Tancredo's outright endorsement of Romney, but also because I believe the caucus-goers are more prone to fall into the camp of a major candidate (Romney, Giuliani) opposed to a small time candidate like Duncan Hunter. All in all, Tancredo dropping out will have little effect- Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee already has a serious advantage in Iowa and Tancredo had almost no base in New Hampshire to speak of.