Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Hello young people of this great nation, my name is Marco. I was adamantly against blogs recently, but have to come realize that I need a semi-relevant arena to not only spout my views, but to interact with other politically minded people, young and old. Over the course of my high school career, especially recent months, I have come to develop strong political views. My hopes for this blog include not only putting my ideas into articulated writing, but to educate myself also. At first glance, our name as “Truth for Youth” may sound pretentious, but our goal is to educate to the best of our ability (my political views notwithstanding) with proper research for a “fair and balanced” take on all issues.

As for my personal views, I am liberal on most contemporary political issues, but I try vigorously to stay centered. On issues of health care, economics, and domestic security especially, I am without a doubt liberal. I am a strict believer in our first amendment law that states, “ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” I believe this sets a mandate for a strict separation of church and state, and having done much research on the issue, am positive this is best principle for our country regarding the issue. I believe there is no validity in the statement “Our nation should be Christian because our Founding Fathers were Christian.”-for reasons to be examined later.

On the war in Iraq, I never believed our invasion was justified. Despite our title as the “Greatest Nation on Earth,” I believe the support of the international community should be taken into very strong consideration. I personally think our mission has not been accomplished and that we are not headed in the right direction.

These issues and more will be further addressed with the support of intense research and as I stated previously, I hope to educate myself as well as others.

My political views will with no doubt change, if not I would consider myself ignorant, not “flip flopping.” However, without further adieu I would like to welcome all of you to what we hope to be a great success here at The Truth for Youth

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