Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Quote de Jour

"We must face problems which do not lend themselves to easy or quick or permanent solutions ... there cannot be an American solution to every world problem..."
-John F. Kennedy



Anonymous said...

The "American Way" is the best way out there. If we wish to remain a world power, we must spread whatever way we can.

Anonymous said...

we actually should remove all foreign immigrants, at least, it will solve the lack of work not that smart everyone that goes to GR would say so but i say we "close" our country to illegal immigrants and see how much better the united states will be

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, i don't believe removing all immigrants is the answer to all of our problems. Yes, they've become quite a burden but it's the illegal immigrants that are the real problem. As decent human beings, we've got to realize that these legal immigrants, some of them anyway, come here to change there lives rather than corrupt our country. The illegal immigrants are the ones we must worry about. Stop the fence-hopping-happy Mexicans and we may just have a good thing going.