Thursday, December 13, 2007

Know Your Candidate Introduction

My first repeated segment will be known as "Know Your Candidate." In "Know Your Candidate," I will attempt to present the Presidential candidates of both parties accurately and fairly to help you, the reader, better understand who these people are, what they stand for, what their backgrounds and qualifications are, and their strengths and weaknesses as a candidate. Other pertinent issues such as endorsements, primary performance and primary spending will be covered in these posts. Note: If you read these posts and see a topic omitted that you find interesting (stances on crime, stances on capital punishment) please email our team at and we will consider editing our post, but at the very least we will email you back with our summary. My sources for this section will come primarily from Wikipedia article sources, CNN information, and the candidate's own website. The polls will come primarily from

Another important note: The first candidate covered will be Barack Obama, and this is for one reason only: Obama is the candidate that I as a writer and reader am most familiar with. As the writer's adage goes: "Write what you know." After I post on Barack Obama, I will focus mainly on Republican candidates. The reason I am posting mainly Republican candidates is because the Democratic Primary in Michigan, at this point, will not count towards the Democratic National Convention in the fall of 2008, so they are not pertinent to young, Michigander voters, our first primary target.

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