Saturday, December 15, 2007

Writer Introduction

I guess I'll start off with a hello to all the inquiring political minds who find themselves reading this. My name is Chelsea and I'm a senior in high school. Before I go about explaining my political views I'd like to give a thank you to Marco, Josh and Chris. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to work with other young individuals who have a strong interest in politics. Being a little late on this writer introduction (which I do apologize for) has allowed me to witness just how quickly this site has had an impact on our school. I have great faith that this site will go far and I promise to do my best to uphold my part in promoting politics to all those who are interested.

In my opinion today's political parties are, to most people, nothing more then a game. I myself am proud to say that I am Republican; however, my political party is based off of my feelings with the majority of governmental issues. The way I see it, (and I may be wrong) people of today base their political party off of one of two issues, abortion or the War in Iraq. And although both of those issues are important, I hope, with this website, to help educate others on the "forgotten issues." Now back to this whole game thing. James Madison was one of the first Founding Fathers to speak out about his fear of factions (political parties) and unfortunately… I believe that in today's society Madison's fears have become a reality. We have literally turned our Nations democracy into the biggest rivalry game of all time. No self-respecting Republican would ever vote for the overly controlling Hilary Clinton, and no Democrat in his right mind would ever vote for the my three wives and I are all practicing Christians Rudy Giuliani. And even though it may be true that Hilary has a rather short leash on Bill, and Rudy may not have a "leash" what so ever… is that really who these people are? And really, is that what they stand for? I think it's time we take a step back from the competition of who's better at "dissing" who, and focus on who these people truly are and what political stand points they have. Like I said earlier I am, with no doubt a Republican, but I truly feel that you can't understand politics unless you not only understand your own views, but understand the views of your opponent.

So there are at least some of my political basics. I figure I'll keep my first post at least relatively short. Trust me you will eventually hear the rest. I guess I'll leave with this; I really hope that you get a lot out of this website. I know that each of the writers is truly dedicated to making this a success and I hope that you really will enjoy reading these blogs as much as each of us enjoys writing them.

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